Monday, June 7, 2010

Challenges Make Us Sharper

It seems as if everywhere we turn these days, a crisis emerges. The real estate market, the banking troubles, the stock market yo-yo, unemployment, the European Market crisis, earthquakes, tsunamis, fires, and now the BP Gulf Oil crisis. It's starting to wear us all down. But if you look closer, we know that the human spirit can actually grow during times of great concern and even crisis. We are forced out of our comfort zones and challenged to think differently, ask new questions, formulate new strategies and plans, create new ideas and idioms that we've never known before. This is growth!
This higher level of awareness and heightened senses develops keener thinking. As bankers, we are looking at new regulations and challenging ourselves with creative ways to work within the guidelines, looking for new ways to show our commitment to customer clarity and understanding.
Reaching out to our customers with a new sensitivity to their financial concerns, their wariness of banks in general now, and their lack of empathy for our "problems", is a new requirement, a new way of communicating.
But I beleive this is a good thing. Troublesome and time-consuming, yes. But anytime we take a step closer to aligning what is best for our customers with what is best for us as bankers, it is a good thing.
I predict good things will come back to the banks and credit unions that take the time to develop more customer centric products, systems, and communications now. That's what we at MarketMatch have been promoting for a long time.
I would love to hear from you with some examples of the new ways of communicating or new products and services that you have developed as a result of the crisis and chaos thath we have been coping with since 2008. Email me at
Have a great week!

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