Monday, April 7, 2008

Blue Raspberry

Over the weekend a new outdoor mall area near my home celebrated its grand opening. There were giveaways, clowns, food, prizes and all of the other typical things you would expect from a grand opening celebration.

While perusing the new shops I stopped to buy a snow cone. I am still a kid at heart, what can I say?! So I chose the blue raspberry flavor to see how blue my teeth could get. That's when I realized that I had paid for a snow cone that would turn my teeth blue (just 'cuz I could) rather than choosing one of my favorites like grape or cherry.

So what is a blue raspberry anyway? Well, according to Wikipedia, "The blue raspberry flavor, originally derived from the blue whitebark raspberry fruit juice, became an artificial designer product in the late 1950's."

Seth Godin wrote a book about the Purple Cow. Is the blue-raspberry flavor the purple cow of candy (or snow cones in this instance)? Maybe.

The point is that we, as bank marketers need to start thinking differently. The banking industry is a little sluggish right now. But if you are reading this, I would argue that you are collecting a pay check and have a checking account...both of which make you a potential customer for all of the banks and some credit unions in your town.

Does your bank offer the blue raspberry checking account? Do you provide the Purple Cow of mortgages? If you haven't read the book, you should. But beware of the Meatball Sundae... Google will be glad you did! Or take a shortcut and watch the summary from the blog, Church of the Customer.

What makes YOU different (the question is rhetorical...but if you thought to yourself "our customer service makes us different" you need to ask the other bankers who read this blog what their answer was. I'll bet dollars to donuts they said the same thing!)?


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