Monday, April 26, 2010

When to Outsource

As I write this blog, I have contractors in my house finishing my basement to make more room for the kids to play (and, hopefully, a place to hide their toys!!!). Over the last week or so, I've been reminded exactly how much work goes into building a simple room: framing, wiring, lights, moving plumbing, drywall, flooring, etc., etc., etc.

Now, I'm a fairly intelligent guy and I have a lot of the tools that these guys are using. I know how to use a tape measure and a saw and I can read Do It Yourself websites. What I'm trying to say is that I might have been able to do this job myself ... BUT...

I simply don't have time. Between the important day-to-day work like mowing the lawn, doing the laundry, house cleaning, basic home maintenance, taking care of two kids and the like, I simply don't have time to do the bigger jobs. Besides:
  • It would have taken me ten times longer because I don't have the same skill set as a contractor
  • I don't have ALL of the tools that I'd need
  • IF I was able to finish the job, the quality wouldn't be nearly as good
Does this sound like your situation at work? Between dealing with changing regulations, squeezing margins and internal management issues, the important day-to-day work can take time from the bigger strategic picture that will drive business and impact the bottom line.

The way I had to find the right contractor, it may help to find a marketing partner that has:
  • The experience of creating and implementing strategic plans, building differentiating brands, segmenting and targeting the right customers and training sales staff to deliver on the marketing promise, ...
  • The marketing tools that you may not have, be they creative, PR, media, strategic planning, etc., and ...
  • A proven track record of quality specific to your industry.
What I've learned this week is that having the right people help you get the job done, makes for a better end product, a more restful nights sleep and more time for me to do what I want to do, like hang out with my kids.

Take care,

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