Thursday, February 12, 2009

Spring Training

Pitchers and catchers report TODAY!  Soon there will be the smell of fresh-cut grass, the sound of wood cracking against leather and the aroma of hot dogs in the air.

Over the next few weeks, even last year’s All-Stars will be going back to basics:  How do you position your body to turn a double play?  What are the mechanics for a slider?  What is the sign for “steal second”?

What are you doing to get your team ready for Game Day (you know, that day a customer or prospect walks in your front door or calls your office)?


Here are some ideas to get Back to Basics:


Look in the mirror

Have someone from outside the company shop your offices.  Simply have them ask for information on a new checking account and see how your staff handle it.


Scout the competition

Have that same person do the exact same thing at your major competition

  • How did your offices stack up?
  • Was there an emotional difference in how they felt at each office?
  • Most importantly … would they buy from YOU or THEM?

The Golden Rule

Treat EVERYONE who walks into your office as you would treat a guest in your home

  • Look them in the eye
  • Shake hands
  • Walk them from place to place (NEVER just point)
  • If a teller is referring to New Accounts staff, make formal introductions
  • Offer a bottle of water to ANYONE who sits anywhere in your office
  • Before you talk about yourself, ask about them (learn a customer's needs first and focus on the relevant products – don’t information dump)
  • Ask if you can open an account for them today.  They took time out of their day to drive to your office – reward them with a new account.
  • When the conversation is complete, walk them to the door, shake their hand and thank them for coming.

Sounds simple doesn’t it?  What is your staff doing right now?

Make sure your team knows the playbook

If your frontline staff doesn’t have a checking account, online banking, bill pay and debit card with your institution – how can they speak knowledgably about it? 

“I use our online banking and it’s super easy,” is a much more powerful sentence than, “Our online baking is supposed to be pretty easy.”

Getting Back to Basics means that you don’t necessarily need scripts or new procedures.  Simply use common sense, make an effort and have fun.

Enjoy your Spring Training!


Happy Trails,


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