Monday, October 22, 2007

Timing is everything

I rely heavily on many websites to help me research the financial institutions I work of which being It has been a point of frustration for me that half way through the current quarter, the previous quarter data is not available yet. Really? It seriously takes that long? UGH!

This week I am focusing on a presentation regarding the various avenues a financial institution can pursue for e-marketing. I have some incredible references and am excited to give the presentation.

(Stick with me...I may seem all over the place right now, but I have a point...I promise!)

Last week, I had the pleasure of attending the ABA Marketing Network New England Chapter Fall Marketing Conference. It is a mouthful to say, but essentially all these incredible New England bank marketers get together, network, learn and generally have a great time. This conference focused on some new technology used to further the banking industry such as remote deposit capture, e-marketing, and new media. It was a great opportunity for all of us.

I sat in on the new media presentation and had an "A-HA" moment that quickly changed to a sinking feeling and then one of guilt and regret. So, here's the thing...Blogging is considered to be a new media in that is a way to share ideas, advertise and present information in a non-traditional format. This new media has no boundaries and knows no industry. It's an opportunity for us all. But there's a catch...


If you make the commitment to blog then you must blog and blog consistently, and I have failed you. The feedback we got when we began this blog was wonderful. You all saw the value in what we were communicating with you, but have consistently delivered our blog to you inconsistently.

Blogs are a very important tool. For many non-business it is an avenue to praise a business or express dissatisfaction with customer service. For others, it is a way to communicate a message, promote a service, or even get the word out on a new idea.

Here's the ultimate lesson I have learned about blogging... The commitment to blog is a promise you make to communicate with the people who want to listen to what you have to say. When you deliver on your promise inconsistently the people who used to want to listen to what you have to say become indifferent. This is a bad thing.

It is my intention to do a few things with this blog entry.

1. Make certain that all the bank-marketing-gurus who are considering implementing a blog for their bank understand that it is a promise you are making to the on-line community to deliver information consistently. It is a very powerful marketing tool that should not be taken lightly.

2. Apologize to you for not being consistent in our delivery of information and try to earn back your trust and loyal readership.

3. Recommit to the consistent delivery of this blog.
I, Jenna Rowland, PROMISE to blog at a minimum, every other Monday, starting TODAY.
You can write it down on your calendar...I will be back on Monday, November 5 with new words of marketing wisdom to share with you.

So, in a nutshell, don't be afraid to explore new media to promote your bank and your ideas. The opportunities are endless...did you know Wells Fargo has a branch in Second Life (not sure what that is? email me and I will show than $1million were spent there in the last 24 hours).

Try a blog, or at least think about it. It's free, it's easy, but it IS a promise that you make to your loyal readers. New media is an avenue to new opportunities. Find the one that reflects the essence of your brand and go for it!

See you on November 5!

p.s. If you set up a RSS feed you will know when we have new posts on our blog!

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