Thursday, November 14, 2013

Text Ads and PLAs: A Winning Combination

Can shoppers find you in today’s crowded “digital shelf”? This question is particularly vital now, as four out of five shoppers consider the internet the single most useful resource for their holiday shopping. We conducted a recent study with Millward Brown Digital that suggests that consumers engage more with (and buy more from) brands and retailers who display both a Product Listing Ad (PLA) and a text ad than those who only show text ads. PLAs show photos of your products, along with prices and product names, right on the search results page when people search for items like yours on Google.

From this study, we learned that PLAs can:
  • Increase brand recognition: People who see a brand’s PLAs and text ads are 75% more likely to search for that brand within 30 days than those who only saw text ads.
  • Drive more engagement with your store: People who see both text ads and PLAs are 90% more likely to visit the retailer’s website. They are also more likely to visit product pages, add items to their cart, and click on store locator buttons.
  • Drive more conversions: People who see both text ads and PLAs are 83% more likely to make a purchase than those who only saw text ads. 

Learn more on the infographic below:

Our research focused mainly on technology shoppers, but the positive results of PLAs and text ads apply to other shoppers as well. For major apparel retailers who sell their own brands, for example, our study suggests that shoppers are 70% more likely to click on the store locator and 42% more likely to visit a product page when exposed to PLAs and text ads.

Using PLA and Text ads helped Nine West gain visibility
Nine West is a great example of a retailer that combined PLAs and text ads to win the digital shelf. They worked with marketing agency RKG to develop a strategic approach to expanding their PLAs across devices alongside their text ads. Nine West’s conversion rate rose 8% and revenue rose 14% with the addition of the PLA campaign, which suggests that the PLAs drove plenty of incremental conversions. Likewise, the mobile conversion rate rose 3% when text and PLAs were combined, and mobile revenue rose 5%. Read the full case study.

Posted by Erica Sievert, Product Marketing Manager, Google Shopping

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