Thursday, September 24, 2009

Fall In Love With Motion Charts

Have you used Motion Charts yet? If not, it's a little like playing an instrument. It takes a little practice, but once you get the hang of it, it's the best thing you ever did - fun and informative and you'll want to do it daily. Create them and watch them reveal patterns you weren't aware of in your keyword activity or some other area that is important to your site.

We've written a few posts on Motion Charts and made a video, and now we wanted to refer you to a great article called How To Use Google Analytics Motion Charts To Maximize Results, on, written by one of our Authorized Consultants, Daniel Waisberg from easynet search marketing in Israel.

Daniel discusses both how to use Motion Charts and also what metrics to designate as which elements of the chart to best use the feature for optimizing your online marketing. In his example, Daniel chooses to have conversion values as the size and color of the bubbles so you can easily spot them for optimization opportunities. For instance, for an e-commerce site and a motion chart showing keywords with the y-axis as visits and the x-axis as bounce rate, Daniel says:
Ecommerce conversion rate (color of bubble) shows the conversion rate for a keyword. This is important since you might have high converting keywords that are not receiving enough traffic. Look for red-small bubbles located close to the x-axis—these keywords should get priority optimization treatment. Tip: focus on these and related keywords on your PPC campaigns.

Revenue (size of bubble) shows the amount of money this keyword is driving to your website. Look for big-blue bubbles—this is a signal that a keyword brings lots of money but could bring even more if it converted better. Tip: optimize the pages related to these keywords to improve conversion.
Daniel also goes into detail about how to share motion charts with others. If you're ready to try Motion Charts today, his article is your next step. Then, for more inspiration, here are a few more examples of using them.

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