Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Brand YOU Day

As marketers, we all understand the importance of branding, but how do you craft YOUR brand as your bank or credit union’s marketing department?

A solid internal brand can transform marketing from the “arts and crafts” department to the strategic thought leaders … from the “ad guys” to an indispensible planning resource … from an expense to a valuable INVESTMENT.

As with any brand, your department’s brand needs to be differentiating, relevant and speak to a need.

Be Differentiating: The Marketing Department should be the ONLY one-stop resource for all information within your market.  Among other things, you should be the expert on:

  • How your current customers perceive and use the bank
  • How potential customers perceive your bank and use their bank
  • What a potential customer looks like and where they live
  • What the competition is doing (or not doing)
  • What the financial trends are in the market

Each planning session, it should be your department that leads the conversation with the management team and the Board on market conditions and a basic SWAT analysis to establish a mind-set and get everyone on the same page.

Be Relevant: Banks are more in the forefront of American’s minds that they’ve been in generations.  And people are crafting their opinion of you and your peers by what they see on CNN and the local news.

The bottom line is that YOU are the sculptor and guardian of your institution’s image.  No one else in the bank, not even the CEO, is as concerned about the perception of your bank as you are.  From the front-line interaction to the sales collateral to the external communication - you are responsible for the customer experience at every touch point.  What could be more relevant?

Speak to a Need: Remember who your internal target audience is … the CEO, CFO and Board.  Of these, most have a finance background and focus.  So, speaking about creative awards will not necessarily address what is important to them.

You need to speak in your target’s language … cold hard numbers!  A solid understanding and sharing of your marketing ROI will go a long way to adding value to your department’s brand.  Consider this … if your CEO has only $1 to invest in the institution, where will they get the best return?  An investment at today’s rates?  More technology, branches or personnel?  Or a sound marketing program that can generate 120% plus ROI?

We just need to take our own medicine and put the same emphasis on our internal brand as we put on our bank’s brand.  Imagine what it could do for your involvement in key decisions, job security and your overall marketing budget.  

As always, please share your thoughts as a comment below.  Or if you think I'm full of it ... please share that too!!!

Take care,


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