This app, developed by Blast Advanced Media (one of our Certified Partners), uses the Google Analytics API to quickly and securely access all of your reports, apply your Advanced Segments, and even create Custom Reports right within the app. You can view common preset date ranges, set a custom date range, or compare to a previous date range for additional context. All the functionality you could need within a clean, user-friendly interface. Here's a sample of custom reports functionality:
Friday, October 29, 2010
Analytics In The Palm Of Your Hand
This app, developed by Blast Advanced Media (one of our Certified Partners), uses the Google Analytics API to quickly and securely access all of your reports, apply your Advanced Segments, and even create Custom Reports right within the app. You can view common preset date ranges, set a custom date range, or compare to a previous date range for additional context. All the functionality you could need within a clean, user-friendly interface. Here's a sample of custom reports functionality:
YouTube Promoted Videos serves its 500,000,000th video view
Posted by Dan Friedman, Inside AdWords crew
How to Change Your Facebook Business Page Name (a Facebook Friday Post for those with 100 or fewer fans)
Here is the page on Facebook (released this week, thanks Ashley for sharing this tip) that goes over this change and a few other important ones for those of us who manage facebook business pages:
If you have a facebook business page and need to change the name (AND have fewer than 100 "fans"), here are the instructions:
1. Login to Facebook
2. Click on "account", then "manage pages" on the top right
3. Select your facebook business page
4. Click on "edit page" below your business page profile picture (on the left)
5. Click on "basic information"
6. Update your page name (be sure you type everything exactly as you'd like it!)
7. Click on "Save Changes"

Laura Catherine Otero is a marketing professional and blogger in
She is accepting clients in need of:
Website Design
Social Nedia Management
Facebook Business Page Design
Twitter Profile Design
Blog Design
Logo Design
Print Design
Press Release Writing & Distribution
Email Marketing
And More
Contact Laura to discuss your unique marketing needs!
Laura can also be found on Twitter (@LauraCatherineO), Facebook, and LinkedIn.
How Can Companies Address Cultural Diversity in Marketing
There does not seem to be a way to ignore the cultural transition the United States is experiencing. Marketers are at the point where they need to strategize and segment in a comprehensive way. Marketing to Hispanics, for example, is not anymore a secondary priority, because that is where the future resides. But a new approach to marketing in a diverse society should be done so that complexity and cultural overlaps are recognized.
Happy Halloween

Thursday, October 28, 2010
What's in a logo?
With that being said, your logo CAN and does stand for is the first recognizable symbol that represents your organization, it is the "cover of the book", if you will. Some logos or brand marks do a tremendous job of promoting brand awareness, expressing the feel of the organization and support the overall graphical impact of the brand.
Here are some fun, simple and clever logos that do a great job of marrying the brand name, colors and feel into the mark.

If you feel that your brand isn't saying what you think it should or you're not sure how much of a visual impact your logo or graphic materials make, get in touch with us. We would be happy to take a look and give any suggestions to further improve your organization.
Until next time,
How to Schedule Blog Posts using Blogger or (A Tutorial Thursday Post)

Laura Catherine Otero is a marketing professional and blogger in
She is accepting clients in need of:
Website Design
Social Nedia Management
Facebook Business Page Design
Twitter Profile Design
Blog Design
Logo Design
Print Design
Press Release Writing & Distribution
Email Marketing
And More
Contact Laura to discuss your unique marketing needs!
Laura can also be found on Twitter (@LauraCatherineO), Facebook, and LinkedIn.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Swissotel's High Value Visitor Segment
Barbara Pezzi, Director Webmarketing, Fairmont Raffles Hotels International, is back to share with us how Swissotel properties in Singapore used advanced segments to better understand the needs of their UK and Australian visitors. By using advanced segments and her detective skills, Barbara was able to determine that Australian visitors were seeking deals, while her UK visitors were more interested in the quality of the rooms. She was able to optimise her AdWords campaigns and messaging based on these insights, and quickly managed to see a 68% increase in revenue and a 92% increase in conversion rates.
Why U.S. Hispanics Use Social Networking Sites
This article was originally included in "Latino Link" by Joe Kutchera in 2010 (PMP Publishers) and it is reproduced here by permission.
In 2009, The Florida State University Center for Hispanic Marketing Communication and DMS Insights, in collaboration with Captura Group, collected online national level data about Hispanics’ use of social networking sites.The main motivation of this study was to find out what reasons, attitudes, preferences, and demographics contribute to the time Hispanics spend on social networking sites online. The national online Hispanic sub-sample was composed of almost 541 Hispanics who answered the questionnaire in English and 351 who answered in Spanish.
What is Your Brand?
Lets put aside for a minute what you SAY your brand is...
If you had to say your were like someone, would it be:

: Swaddling customers in 5-senses experience

: Consistency and "on every corner" access

: You get what you pay for
(isn't an Escalade really just a pimped out Suburban?!?!)

: Always low prices ... Always!!!

: Our service is so good, we'll even escort you to the bathroom
: Hip

: First to market (real or perceived) - continually reinventing yourself
Want a good hard, objective, look at your brand? Click here!!!
Take care,
For the UK: Learn how to expand your business internationally
Posted by Jason Shafton, Inside AdWords crew
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Next Week: Ad Tech New York

- Brand
- Social Media
- Digital Demographics
- Media Strategy
- Performance
The Report Center is retiring soon
In the next few weeks we’ll finish the transition and retire the Report Center entirely. From then on you’ll schedule and download all of your reports from within AdWords campaign management.
We’ve made the transition to this new style of reporting gradually, collecting feedback from advertisers and making adjustments accordingly.
For example, we heard that you had a hard time finding specific reporting options in your account. To help, we’ve added relevant FAQs to the download menus in the Campaigns tab, enabling you to find the views and metrics you’re interested in more easily.
If you’re currently downloading reports from the Campaigns tab, you’ve already adjusted to the bulk of the changes, and you’ll find that each of your scheduled reports have been copied to the Control Panel & Library. We’ll delete any old versions of scheduled reports from the Reports tab, and stop sending the emails associated with them, by early November. Shortly thereafter, we’ll remove the Report Center entirely.
To prepare for the retirement, you can compare the scheduled reports in the Reports section of your Control Panel & Library to the old versions of your scheduled reports in the Report Center, then make any necessary adjustments to make sure you’re getting the data you want, in the format you want.
If you’re looking for additional resources to guide you through the changes, you can visit the AdWords Help Center for articles on each report. We’ve also published a before and after guide to keyword reporting to give you a step-by-step tutorial to running one of the most popular AdWords reports.
Thanks again for your patience during the transition. If you have any additional feedback on AdWords reporting, please continue to send it our way.
Posted by Gordon Zhu, Inside AdWords crew
How to Schedule Tweets in Hootsuite (A Twitter Tuesday Post)
I realized I was guilty (on occasion) of “flooding” the tweetstream of some of my followers (those following a smaller number of people). The reason for this “flooding” was quite simple…I (like most of us) try to get as much done as possible with my time on Twitter, which comes in waves. For example, I will often retweet, respond, DM, etc. in a matter of minutes before going back to my daily activities.
Instructions on How to Schedule Tweets Using Hootsuite:
1. Compose your tweet as you normally would in Hootsuite (making sure your Twitter account is selected), but do NOT click on the "send now" button. Instead, click on the scheduler icon (looks like a calendar, see below).

4. If you need to make a change to a pending tweet or want to remove it, you will find your "pending tweets" in your "pending tweet" column (see below) on your twitter hootsuite screen.

Laura Catherine Otero is a marketing professional and blogger in
Donations & Sponsorships – Make Them Count!
In marketing, we have to justify every dollar we spend with the quantitative or qualitative results that our investments produce. However, there are some budget items that we may not have total control over… such as a local high school team sponsorship or donations to top customer events. These types of donations and sponsorships can eat up a good portion of your budget, so let’s take a look at how you get more from them…
FIND YOUR PURPOSE : One simple thing you can do to stretch your donations is to set qualifying criteria for your donations and sponsorships. These guidelines should be created or approved by senior management, be in-line with your brand, and act as the criteria for all donation requests. For instance, your focus may be to support local economic growth or education in a defined market area. Communicating your cumulative donation efforts towards a specific cause will better allow you to communicate your donations and help to differentiate you from your competition.
THINK OUTSIDE OF THE BOX: Get creative. If you are presented standard sponsorship options, respond with alternatives outside of the normal sponsorship packages. Think of using employees as a “street team” to get your donation and message out at an event rather than just including a logo item in grab bag. Focus on making your brand more visible and interactive than a standard sponsorship or donation.
GET RECOGNIZED: Lastly, look to see if your state banking or credit union association has a “Community Service” Award and apply! The exposure and creditability gained can from such an award will greatly stretch your donation dollars by miles.
Start getting more from donations and sponsorships!
Monday, October 25, 2010
PM POV: AdWords Reports Launch
How did it begin? Many of you use Google Analytics expertly, and in innovative ways. You told us all the ways in which the product was emails, blog posts, tweets, and in Q&A sessions and face-to-face meetings at conferences like SES and eMetrics. We’ve found that expert and innovative users are often the best at articulating what’s going to be most valuable to all users. So, we listen carefully to feedback, and one area we heard -- and learned -- a lot about was AdWords reporting.
For example, many of you told us that you were writing intelligent filters that would allow you to see actual search queries. Some of you were looking for ways to understand the effectiveness of campaigns on the content network. And many of you were struggling with how to make day parting decisions. We heard all this and said “We need to help here, here, here and there. Let’s go build!”
Next, we built a version of the reports and asked a few hundred of you to try it. This version did even more than what you see in the reports today because we wanted to test some promising, but challenging ideas. We can’t always put all the features we’d like into a product update. Sometimes we have to leave something out because it runs too slowly and making it run faster requires extensive design work. Other features simply won’t work for all Analytics users. Still, we wanted to test everything and determine which aspects of this we could offer everyone and how soon.
Our test users are terrific -- very innovative, highly trustworthy and they never hesitate to point out things that are too slow or too hard to use. We worked closely with these users and studied the usage data to figure out what we could and couldn’t do. It became amply clear that providing a list of AdWords dimensions to segment the reports was very very valuable. We wanted our users to have this right away. Other features were also valuable, but would require time to fully develop. In the end, we decided that we’d rather give users something significantly better immediately, and keep working to offer more down the road.
Finally, we rolled out the new reports gradually over weeks. We take user experience very seriously, no matter where in the world you are. During these initial weeks, we monitored usage, latency, bugs filed, tweets, e-mail feedback. The other thing we did was to translate the product so that all of you, across the world, could use the new reports.
Finally, when we were ready, we hit the go button, flipped a bit to expose the feature, blogged about it....and you all saw the new AdWords reports in the Traffic Sources section.
Work doesn’t stop after the release. We immediately started working on some of those hard problems I talked about and we’ve already made some progress. In August, we made the new AdWords dimensions available in Analytics Intelligence.
We continue to work on these reports, so stay tuned. And, thanks for your active usage of the product. You all make our day!
Posted by Jayanth Mysore, Product Manager, Google Analytics Team
10 and counting...
The calendar is making noise this has started the count down to 2011. Just like in school, we are in the next "grading period" and have a new chance to make our mark and decide to be great! We have 10 weeks left in the year...
So, I thought I would share my TOP 10 To-Do's for the remaining 10 weeks...
10. Finish your 2011 plan...with a unique addition of your Jump Start plan for the 1st 90 days of 2011
9. Share you budget wrapped in an ROI evaluation for the entire year
8. Make social media an important component of your 2011 ways that fit your organization
7. Consider branch level marketing plans...that include a "budget" for local initiatives...that puts the planning and decision in the hands of the local manager and relieves you on saying no...they budget it!
6. Make sure your sales support mirrors your marketing planning
5. Strategically analyze one product line for the coming year
4. Create one new internal communication process...there can never be too much communication!
3. Create one new "thank you" process for staff
2. Determine the best marketing investment you made this year...and consider doubling it next year!
1. Get your shopping done early!!
Here's to a great 2011...
"Whether you think you can or you are right!"
What a Week!
- Missouri beats Oklahoma for an upset of the third NCAA BCS #1 team in 3 weeks
- The Cleveland Browns beat the defending Super Bowl champion Saints
- The Texas Rangers go the World Series for the first time in team history after defeating the "Beast of the East," the 2009 World Series champion Yankees
- The San Francisco Giants head to the World Series after getting by the 2009 World Series runners-up, Phillies

Friday, October 22, 2010
Web Analytics TV #13 - For the Ninjas
In this episode we introduce our new ninja award program (and ninja chop to go with it). Going forward, we will pick our favourite question and award the person the Analysis Ninja of the Episode award! They will get an autographed, personalized, copy of Web Analytics 2.0.
Our first winner is Sushant from New York for his excellent question on tabbed browsing and it’s impact on session level data. Congrats and please keep the great questions coming (and win!).
Here is the list of last weeks questions.
In this action packed episode we discuss:
- (2:35) Combining (A AND B) OR (C AND D) in advanced segments
- (4:03) Is there a way to tell how many people have opted out of being tracked by GA
- (6:18) How does tracking Google Analytics and Urchin work together
- (7:53) How is tabbed browsing tracked in Google Analytics?
- (10:30) Do Website Optimizer A/B tests only track direct traffic?
- (11:27) Are there any survey/voice of customer tools that integrate with GA?
- (12:47) Does the async code execute faster than the traditional snippet?
- (14:40) You can’t track users who have opted out of GA
- (15:13) Why table report filters get removed when you navigate away from a page
- (16:30) Why are there differences between Unique visitor reports? Which to use.
- (18:00) Can Google Analytics track live chat forms?
Here are the links to the topics we discuss:
- How you can automate requesting multiple advanced segments with the API to get AND precedence with Advanced Segments.
- Kampyle - Google Analytics, Voice of Customer Integration
- Live Person - Google Analytics, Integration
If you found this post or video helpful, we'd love to hear your comments. Please share them via the comment form below. And, if you have a question you would like us to answer, please submit a question and vote for your favorite question in our public Google Moderator site. Avinash and I will answer your latest questions in a couple of weeks with yet another entertaining video.
Post content Posted by Nick Mihailovski, Google Analytics Team
Query Paths in Search Funnels
Broad match keywords in your AdWords account may be matched to a variety of keywords your users are searching for. You bid on certain keywords, but what about the actual queries that these keywords were matched to? You can see Keyword Paths within Search Funnels - and now, you can see Query Paths as well.
Within the existing Top Paths reports:
Select the Top Paths (Query Paths) option in the Dimension drop down menu to show you the actual queries that were matched to your ads and clicked prior to a conversion.
Note: this option will only show queries for search ads that were clicked, and not for impressions.
This data gives even more insight into the searches users make before finding and then purchasing on your site. With this information, you should be able to better target these users by seeing how they find you, and gain confidence in bidding on keywords that convert or assist in the conversion path.
Posted by Gordon Zhu, Inside AdWords crew
Thank you!

- personally thank someone, from your kids, to the person who pours your coffee at the coffee shop
- hand write a thank you note, that just doesn't happen much any more
- use space in your newsletter to thank individuals or teams for their time, commitment and end results
- it's the little things, done with vigor and meaning that move people to greatness
Make it a great Friday. Enjoy your weekend and until we talk again.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
See potential placements for Google Display Network campaigns
Today, we’re announcing an AdWords feature that provides you with example sites in the Display Network where your ads may appear when using contextual targeting. The example sites are based on the keyword list you provide when creating your campaign, and are available for campaigns that are solely running on the Display Network. Starting this week, the feature will be available to a limited set of advertisers, and will become more broadly available in the coming weeks.
Since contextual targeting happens in real-time across millions of sites in the Google Display Network, with this feature, you get insight into the types of sites where your ads can appear. Seeing example sites before your campaign runs can help you to refine your keyword lists to ensure optimal targeting. Along with example sites where your ads can appear, you can also see a suggested bid for your ad group. The example placements we provide are meant as a guide to help you get a sense of where your ads can appear. They’re not an accurate representation of actual placements, which can vary with the dynamics of the ad auction once your ads are showing.
While this feature provides a deeper level of transparency before your ads run, as always, once your campaigns begins to run, you can access site- and URL-level reporting that shows the specific places in the GDN where your ads actually appeared.
To see potential placements when creating your campaign, your can click the "See potential placements" button when selecting keywords for display-only ad groups in the new ad group creation interface. Please visit our Help Center to learn more.
Posted by Gordon Zhu, Inside AdWords crew
Appreciate yourself

Think about the things you have, the places you've been, the successes you have celebrated. Don't take what you've earned in life for granite. Give your spouse a kiss and your kids a hug, call a friend or relative just to tell them you are grateful for them. Heck, go make a piece of toast and appreciate that you have the ability to put that bread in the toaster. Take a moment...appreciate yourself! Everyday is a day to celebrate something.
Until next time,
The Sales Funnel Revisted
But what happens in a world where prospects have so many more tools at their disposal to evaluate your offerings on their own or where they skip stages of the process all together?
In addition, while the traditional sales funnel usually ends when the sale is consummated, should that really be the end of sales and marketing's engagement with the customer? Shouldn't we also measure post sales activities that build share of wallet and recognize the challenges of an unengaged customer or one who attrites?
A couple months ago, the people at asked 14 sales and marketing experts to view the sales funnel concept in a world of the Internet, social media, word of mouth marketing, massive choice and competition? They reached out to their Focus Expert Network to submit their version of the sales funnel with one condition . . . the funnel and the rationale for their depiction had to fit on one page.
The results just released this week were, to say the least, both innovative and thought provoking. Some experts provided an interpretation that redefined the steps of the sales process and the sources of leads, taking into account the impact of the Internet and the need to more closely integrate sales and marketing. Matt West from had a traditional shaped funnel but added the important steps of lead nurturing and cross-selling while discussing the challenge of unknown prospects 'above the funnel'.
There was more than one version that visually looked more like an hour glass, reflecting the important post-sale steps that are required to get a new customer engaged and to build the value of the relationship through repurchase or evangelism. Matt Heinz from Heinz Marketing stated that, "the traditional sales funnel only reflects half the story", ignoring the impact of referrals, repeat business, renewals, etc.
My favorite, however, was probably the entry from Michael Damphousse from Green Leads who threw away the visual of the funnel altogether and provided a diagram of a 'DemandGen Cloud', reflecting that prospects have the power and capability to insert themselves anywhere they want in the sales and marketing funnel. He also reflected that once in the funnel, the prospect can jump to any step they want as a result of web content and word of mouth. He emphasizes the importance of harnessing the chaos to maximize results.
So what does this have to do with banking? First of all, it reflects the impact of the new communication channels such as the Internet and social media. It also emphasizes the importance of going beyond generating a sale, and instead, generating a relationship. Finally, it reflects the diversity of ways to look at the interaction of sales and marketing in any sales process. This is especially true in more complex sales such as small business, commercial, investment services, etc. Whatever funnel you prefer, however, one major challenge needs to be addressed. Whatever the steps, sales and marketing must be in alignment and finance needs to buy off on the metrics and business case. With this uniform and integrated view, the sales process will definitely not be optimized, and it may actually fail.
What does your sales funnel look like? I would love to see even more creative examples of what your interpretation of today's sales funnel might be. Share it with me at and I will post some of my favorites. Oh yeah, the same rules of a one page limit still apply.