Do you schedule Facebook page posts in advance using third-party apps like Hootsuite? You may already know posts made with these apps are less likely to be read, but we have all done it from time to time.
Exciting news for Facebook page admins! Facebook recently announced their own scheduling feature. I’m most excited about this because it means the “posted from Hootsuite” text and icon are no longer necessary when you must schedule a post.
If you are a business owner and page admin with a longer to-do list than there are hours in the day (or if you simply want more free time), the new Facebook scheduling feature will allow you to provide content to your fans in less time than was previously possible, without using a third party app!
Exciting news for Facebook page admins! Facebook recently announced their own scheduling feature. I’m most excited about this because it means the “posted from Hootsuite” text and icon are no longer necessary when you must schedule a post.
If you are a business owner and page admin with a longer to-do list than there are hours in the day (or if you simply want more free time), the new Facebook scheduling feature will allow you to provide content to your fans in less time than was previously possible, without using a third party app!
How Far Out Can I Schedule?
At the time of this post, Facebook posts can be scheduled up to six months in advance at 15-minute intervals.
Any Cons?
One catch (at the time of this post)? According to Mashable, “once you schedule a post, you can’t modify or edit the content, only the time.” My guess? Facebook will remedy this soon.
At the time of this post, Facebook posts can be scheduled up to six months in advance at 15-minute intervals.
Any Cons?
One catch (at the time of this post)? According to Mashable, “once you schedule a post, you can’t modify or edit the content, only the time.” My guess? Facebook will remedy this soon.
Where to Review Scheduled Posts?
Want to review scheduled posts? Again via Mashable, click on “manage” at the top of your page, then select “activity log” from the drop-down.
Want to review scheduled posts? Again via Mashable, click on “manage” at the top of your page, then select “activity log” from the drop-down.
Ready to Get Started?
Now would be a great time to block out a few hours to create “evergreen” content if you don’t already have some handy. Photos, helpful info, inspirational tid bits, you-name-it. I typically write my content in a working word doc, then copy/paste one update at a time, adding photos and links.
Of course, you’ll want to have access to Facebook to check for replies/likes/questions. Still overall a time-saver in my book, though.
Hope you enjoy!
Laura is a marketing professional and blogger who has been active in social media since 2005. If you enjoyed this post, please consider subscribing to this blog via Email or RSS. Laura can also be found on Twitter (@LauraCatherineO), Facebook, and LinkedIn.