Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The Great Storyteller Gets the Audience.

What if there was a tiny building in a budding town that valued INTEGRITY over profits?

What if that building assembled all of the community’s brightest and most COMPASSIONATE people?

What if those individuals made a PROMISE to help everyone obtain the treasures they desired … the items they could afford – and better set aside riches for the future? 

What if they offered a PLEDGE to allow you access to your wealth, when and how you wanted, without seizing a ransom to do so?

Wouldn’t that be something?  Wouldn’t that be (Your Institution Name Here)?
Or …. You COULD say:
"We care."  "We have great loan rates."  "We offer convenient services."

Which would you rather read?  Which evokes emotion?  Which will stand out from what the other local banks and CUs are saying?

Even in our overly-busy lives, people are drawn into a great story.  We long to sit down and be entertained by the yarn of a gifted bard … to imagine our own lives through the well-scripted prose of another.

Think of your brand as an epic tale ... Your staff and customers are the characters ...  Each ad is one short story from it's chronicles.

Be the great storyteller and you'll get the audience's attention.


MarketMatch is a full-service marketing firm, dedicated to the credit union and community banking community.  We utilize knowledge-based strategies to help you FOCUS on the right story that will generate the greatest  MOMENTUM and prove the best RESULTS with our written ROI Guarantee.

Want to learn more?  Enroll in the MarketMatch eCollege!  Smart online sessions delivered with CFMP credits, tactical advice and a game plan for success!

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