Monday, January 9, 2012

Top 5 Issues Facing Marketers

Issues Facing Marketers

2012 is a year of working with change and ensuring your leverage your position and knowledge.  We have just come out of a historically low economic period fraught with multiple legislative and regulatory changes that have altered our landscape remarkably!

So what is a marketer to do...

Well, I say start with the TOP 5 issues facing marketers today.  In my view, they are:

  1. It's a different sandbox: used to be you knew who was playing in your sandbox and with your toys simply by being there.  Now, everyone is playing in our industry. 
          The Key: stay in touch with your customers!
  2. New rules, require new thinking: the regulatory changes, easier/harder- right/wrong, are here to stay. We have to adapt.
          The Key: think about making it EASIER for the customer and let that be the lead.
  3. It's the customer, silly!: what makes us successful? The customer!  We have to be relevant and add value to their equation!
         The Key: ask questions, study usage patterns and know WHY people make key decisions
  4. All for One, One for all!: the bank/CU is made of many parts...but to the customer, they want ONE source for many of their financial needs.
         They Key: make sure your business lines share! Monthly discussions at a minimum!
  5. Consistency: the most important ingredient to real estate? Location! Location! Location!  The most important ingredient to marketing?  Consistency! Consistency! Consistency!
         The Key: use frequency and recency to drive your consistent messaging and outreach!
The New Year brings a chance to rethink, reshuffle and realign... take the opportunity to make sure your plans and initiatives are in place for 2012!



MarketMatch is a full-service marketing consulting firm, dedicated to the credit union and community banking community.  We utilize knowledge-based strategies to help you FOCUS on the efforts that will generate MOMENTUM and yield the greatest RESULTS for your bottom line.

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