Friday, January 20, 2012

You should join us for the Brown Bag Lunch Sessions

We just finished the January installment of the Brown Bag Lunch Session. Today's topic "Top 5 Issues Facing Marketers in 2012" was moderated by Eric Gagliano and David Kreiman from Glenview State Bank was our guest speaker.

If you didn't join us today you missed out on a great session. This open dialogue had some very informative conversation going back and forth between speakers and the attendees. The 5 issues discussed were:
  1. It's a different sandbox: used to be you knew who was playing in your sandbox and with your toys simply by being there. Now everyone is playing in our industry.
  2. New rules require new thinking: the regulatory changes, easier/harder - right/wrong, are here to stay. We have to adapt.
  3. It's the customer, silly!: what makes us successful? The customer! We have to be relevant and add value to their equation!
  4. All for one, one for all: the bank/credit union is made of many parts, but to the customer, they want ONE source for many of their financial needs.
  5. Consistency: the most important ingredient to real estate? Location, Location, Location! The most important ingredient to marketing? Consistency, Consistency, Consistency!
We have recorded this session. If you are interested in receiving the audio from this Brown Bag, please click here.

The Brown Bag is scheduled the 3rd Friday of the month. The next Brown Bag is Friday, February 17, "Lessons Learned from a Frustrated Shopper."

Make it a great weekend,

MarketMatch is a full-service marketing consulting firm, dedicated to the credit union and community banking community. We utilize knowledge-based strategies to help you FOCUS on the efforts that will generate MOMENTUM and yield the greatest RESULTS for your bottom line.

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