The Grammy's were watched by an estimated 39 million people last night... it must be true-- music brings people together! I had an "a ha" moment during the 2012 Grammy telecast -- specifically during the section that Paul McCartney performed followed by Taylor Swift -- EVERYTHING
I ever needed to know about marketing was summed up by the Grammy's!
There were three key lessons that jumped out at me...while watching the Grammy's last night...
- Relevance matters: How can Paul McCartney STILL draw attention and a standing ovation? He has stayed relevant! How does Chris Brown attract any attention? He is relevant to his target audience! Both important points for marketers in every industry...relevance is the ONLY thing that matters.
- YOU can win: How does Susan Boyle make TV and better yet...make records? Because she has talent! No matter how small, how remote, how unknown you are today...tomorrow can be a different day is you have a true point of difference!
- Music connects: Regardless of age, color, creed, economic, or connects people. 8-track, cassette tape, 45, CD, Walk Man, or iTune...that format has mattered little...the music has mattered greatly.
Our challenge??
Being Relevant...Realizing that WE CAN win...and connecting people to US how they want and when they want...regardless of the format. Sure, some formats offer better sound or better service but the bottom-line...there is ROOM for each of us to stake our claim and be a Grammy winner.
It just takes focus and energy...
But that is the next blog!
MarketMatch is a full-service marketing consulting firm, dedicated to the credit union and community banking community. We utilize knowledge-based strategies to help you FOCUS on the efforts that will generate MOMENTUM and yield the greatest RESULTS for your bottom line.
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