Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Where's the Restroom?

So, how did the Ritz-Carlton get it's rep as one of the best customer service providers in the world? I can sum it up in one question ... and answer.

When Pat Mene, Ritz V.P. of Quality (yes, they have a V.P. of Quality!!!) was asked what would happen if a customer asked an employee where the restroom was and the employee politely pointed them in the right direction, Pat said:

"We would make life unpleasant for them."

You see, at the Ritz, the staff is expected to WALK a customer rather than point a customer in the right direction. They just won't walk you INTO the bathroom.

So what does this mean to your branch level. Do your tellers point customers or members to the new accounts and lending staff or do they walk around the teller line and ESCORT the customers to the desk and make formal introductions?

The Ritz adheres to the following Quality Strategy and you can too:
1. Find out what the customer psychologically wants most. They've identifies the following basic psychological wants:
Beautiful surroundings
Recognition of regular guest’s needs
Warm, courteous people
Consistent delivery
2. Develop standards that respond to the customer’s needs
3. Design processes to assure delivery EVERY TIME!

Take care,

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