The reason? Employers and employees alike are better off if the employer does not offer health-care benefits to part-time employees.
Please consider Wegmans cuts health benefits for part-time workers.
Et tu, Wegmans?Now Ain't That Special?
The Rochester-based grocer that has been continually lauded for providing health insurance to its part-time workers will no longer offer that benefit.
The company said the decision was related to changes brought about by the Affordable Care Act.
Part-time employees may actually benefit from Wegmans’ decision, according to Brian Murphy, a partner at Lawley Benefits Group, an insurance brokerage firm in Buffalo.
“If you have an employee that qualifies for subsidized coverage, they might be better off going with that than a limited part-time benefit,” Murphy said.
That’s because subsidized coverage can have a lower out-of-pocket cost for the insured employee while also providing better benefits than an employer-paid plan.
Under the Affordable Care Act, part-time employees are not eligible for health insurance subsidies if their employer offers insurance.
“It’s a win-win. The employee gets subsidized coverage, and the employer gets to lower costs,” Murphy said.
Wegmans employs roughly 1,433 full-time employees and 4,304 part-time employees in the Buffalo Niagara region.
Part-timers are better off with no company health-care offering than with one. Fancy that. Now just imagine the temptation for employers to reduce someone from 32 hours (considered part-time before Obamacare) to 29 hours or 25 hours because the Obamacare definition sets the definition of part-time at 30 hours.
That's pretty special too, and I have just the tribute to offer.
Link if video does not play: Church Lady Chat With Hillary Clinton
The Obamcare effect is real. The distortions are complicated, numerous, and not widely understood.
Obamacare Economic Distortion Synopsis
- October 10, 2012: Prepping for Obamacare, Olive Garden and Red Lobster Cut Workers' Hours; Are Other Companies Doing the same?
- October 20, 2012: Mish Obamacare Mailbag: Expect More Part-Time Jobs
- February 02, 2013: Obamacare in Action: Retail Workweek Hits 3-Year Low
- February 19, 2013: Opting Out of Obamacare (the Unaffordable Health Care Act); Not Even Labor Unions Want It
- May 3, 2013: Obamacare Affects Part-Time Employment Yet Again; Nullification Bill Passes South Carolina House; Analysis of Healthcare Penalty Rates
- May 20, 2013: Obamacare Premiums 47% Higher But Deductibles 27% Lower Than Grandfathered Health Plans; Obamacare Lies
- June 21, 2013: Obamacare Effects Hit Local Governments, Small Businesses, Temp Staffing Agencies; Chicago Dumps Retirees Into Obamacare
- July 8, 2013: Trends in Full and Part-Time Employment; Obamacare Job Double Counting and Other Economic Distortions
For more on Obamacare Economic Distortions, please peruse the above links to your heart's content.
Mike "Mish" Shedlock
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