We’re pleased to announce the addition of custom variables to the Mobile Analytics SDK for Android. Using the same simple interface, you can now apply custom variables to your mobile usage data, making for dead-easy segmenting of that data when it comes time to analyze usage and optimize your mobile application.
How, you ask, can custom variables be used to optimize an Android application? The same way they help you optimize web applications: by providing actionable context. Some starter ideas for how to segment your Android application users:
- Free vs Paid users: What percentage of users went from demo to full version? How long did it take them?
- Application Version: What version of your app gained the most users? Which version lost some users? Look at where things went wrong and fix them. Fast.
- Platform version: Would bumping up the minimum version of your application cost you some percentage of your user base? Should you stay backwards compatible with cupcake, or focus on the juicy new features?
- Modes of interaction: UI-wise, do your users use menu-items or long-presses more often?
- Help/Tutorial: How many features of your application are explored by users who finished the built-in tutorial? How many get used by those who didn’t? What’s the conversion rate to paid users?
- Portrait vs landscape: What mode are people in during most of their interaction with your application?
From all of us on the Google Analytics team, we hope you enjoy!
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