Friday, October 30, 2009

It's kinda spooky....

Bruce and I just finished a 2 day marketing forum for bankers in Indiana and Ohio and what a great time we had! Lots of great questions and discussion was had by the group. We talked alot about how to develop a real, strategic marketing plan. We talked about getting customer insight -how to do it and how to use it. We talked about retention. We talked alot about social media and why it's hard as a community bank marketer to tackle this important new social phenomenon.

It's kinda spooky.... just when you know your job as the one person everyone counts on to do practically everything is absolutely all you can handle, someone says you need to add social media to your job description!! That can be very scary indeed. How do you add more hours to your day? How to you get up to speed on it all? How do you manage it on a 24/7 basis? Sounds impossible, doesn't it?


The more we discussed this, the more it became clear. You can't. In fact, you shouldn't. A community bank mareketing director can't and shouldn't take this on alone. You need to manage the program and processes, but don't do it all yourself! Find someone else in your organization--preferably an under 30 type --who is passionate about social media. There is most likely someone there who would love to handle the day to day, 15 to 30 minute duty of following, checking, and updating your social media presence. That doesn't mean that you don't write the responses, or the blog, or whatever, but that someone else helps you with doing it.


Its a concept that might work with some other areas of responsibility you have... that's worth thinking about for a few minutes, isn't it?

So enjoy your spooky Halloween and think about how, who, what, and all the details of what you want to do. But don't let tackling the new world of social media scare you...



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