I am a big fan of the law of attraction... that we attract into our lives what we think about or focus on. If you haven't seen the movie "The Secret", check it out at www.thesecretmovie.com. According to Rhonda Byrne, who wrote The Secret, when we focus on the negative things that happen to us, we only attract more negative events into our lives. Is this really true?
Well, it seems somewhat intuitive that if we are emitting negative emotions that we will attract back more negative emotions to us. For example, if we criticize someone for something they have done, how are they going to feel about us at that moment? Negatively! Conversely, if someone really appreciates us for something we've done, doesn't that make us want to do more?
I think as bank marketers, we are normally a pretty sunny group. Wouldn't you agree? But it can be difficult to muster all the support we need. It's easy to get caught up in the budget dollars we didn't get, the things that other employees/coworkers didn't do to help us or our event, campaign, etc. If we let those attitudes pour over onto our co-workers and colloeagues, we are dooming ourselves by attracting only more negative feelings about what we are trying to do!
This fall, try being really grateful for everything you have been given (budgets, support, etc.) and for everything you have accomplished, together with all that support. Spread that word everywhere! You will feel better, others will respond more positively to you, and who knows, maybe you'll get even more support now and next year!
Helping you stay sunny on a rainy day---
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