Good morning...
It's Monday. The 1st day of the week and the day when most bills arrive at your home or office. I read an interesting article today ( about the pending "death" of the US Postal Service
Sound familiar?
In the past decade, people have called for the "death" of paper money, checks, the branch, and banking in general. This all reminds me of the famous announcement of Mark Twain's demise, that was premature.
Today, there are more bank branches than ever before, banking is evolving and changing...while it is true that the number of checks written has fallen precipitously, they are still being written.
So, is the post office dead? I think not. Perhaps it's current status and structure is surely dead, but as a process, certainly not.
We have much to learn about people and process...people always win out. Banking is still a relationship business and the post service is still about creating a written connection between people. That will evolve but not die! Banking still uses and needs the written word to connect to our customers and direct mail (in its many formats) will be a part of that for a long time....Twitter, Facebook, texting, etc. will continue to evolve and grow, too, but the written word on printed paper will survive. Sounds like a history speaking, doesn't it??
Here's to capitalizing on the changes and putting the written word together with our customers for a long time!
Bruce Clapp
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