Thursday, May 28, 2009

Pondering the Road Ahead - what will change?

Could we finally be seeing a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel? There are reports of some positive economic indicators. And, economists are suddenly cautiously optimistic, even forecasting a recovery ahead, albeit slow.

When we come out of this morass is a question I'll leave for others. But I do think we as marketers and planners need to spend some time thinking about how the world will have changed in response to this unprecedented financial crisis.

How will what has happened in banking and the economy over the last 18 - 24 months change our industry in the next 10 years?

I'm not talking simply about the regulatory changes we will all have to navigate, but, what has this done to the psyche of our customers?

Ponder the following and share your thoughts so we can paint a picture of what to expect in 2020.

How will the experience of surviving and economic meltdown change how businesses and individuals deal with their finances?

Will customers have new expectations of their financial partners as far as transparency, knowledge, guidance, etc.?

Will this change how customers seek credit? More cautious about
accepting credit? More skepticism about the fine print?

Will customers become more receptive to financial management products?

Is the increased interest in savings products and a rise in the personal savings rate a newly ingrained behavior of the future or is it a temporary reaction?

How will the dramatic crisis of trust in the financial services industry impact our ongoing customer relationships? How can we turn the tide? Are there other industries that have faced a similar break in trust that have overcome it successfully? What did they do?

I'm sure there are other questions to look at to see how the relationship between customers and financial services providers will change. Share them as you think of them.

Now the big question -- how do we incorporate these changes into how we market and what financial services products we offer?

We are looking ahead at MarketMatch, asking questions and realizing that we will be doing business in a changed world. Call me and let's ponder the future together.


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