Huh? Right. Vocabulary words.
I volunteer for Junior Achievement. This morning I taught second graders the principles of paying taxes, why we have to do it and where the money goes. They learned the words "government," "services" and "taxes."
Then one of the students raised his hand so politely and asked if they could teach me new vocabulary words. "Absolutely," I answered!
My first word was "Tweet." And being the social media nerd I am my mind went to Twitter immediately. But these are second graders after my answer, "Tweet is what a bird says." The class erupted with laughter. I was promptly corrected that "Tweet is what you do when you change your Twitter."
Second graders. I can't make this stuff up!!
So, what's the lesson is all of this? If second graders know what Twitter, MySpace and Facebook are, you should too. I am hoping they are not using these outlets yet, but if they are, you are already behind the 8-ball!
How do you get started? What is right for your institution? How does it work? Is it safe? All legitimate questions. And important questions too!
The Brown Bag Lunch series will address all of these questions on February 20. But in the meantime, if you need a little help, give me a buzz or drop me a note! I would love to help you sort everything out!!
Here's to being extraordinary!
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