Friday, February 5, 2010

Social media and banking

Are you wondering what the role of social media should be in your bank marketing plan? It can be confusing.... and time consuming. You may even be resisting starting down this path... just one more thing marketing has to manage.
Yesterday, I saw a headline that Pepsi has dropped the SuperBowl to focus their money on a major Facebook campaign. Here's the link: :
Wow. This is a huge commentary that "Toto, we're not in Kansas anymore". The old marketing plan just isn't going to cover all the bases anymore. As you read about their in-depth, green marketing plans for Facebook, you will see that today's more interactive, advertising-by-invitation opportunities are just that... major opportunities. As bankers, we need to study what's being done by others, analyze how this new medium might help us reach new people in new ways and provide us a true channel of loyalty that we have not been able to create in the past. We think we have loyal customers and, while we do have some, the opportunity is there for us to really create points of differentiation in how we relate to some newly identified target groups. We may have wanted to reach single mothers in the past... how can a social media strategy help you do that and create a new kind of loyalty at the same time?
Just some food for thought. If you were thinking you would wait another year before delving into this new channel, you might want to look at it more as the opportunity it really is and start a small group to explore the top 3-5 ways you could do something exciting and meaningful through one of these channels. Then decide which one has the most potential and give it a try.
You will be a pioneer but you will be learning and growing at the same time.
Enjoy the process and lead your bank into the future.

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