Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Are you taking advantage of your opportunities?

We all have a network friends, family members, acquaintances from church, families our children go to school with, etc. etc. I'm guessing we have never really thought about the number of parties, meetings, ball games, etc. that we attend during a calender year. If you stop and think about it, I bet the number is staggering!

Do you view these interactions as social events or as opportunities to help meet the financial needs of all the people you come in contact with on a daily basis?

It's a fact that everyone is so busy that they welcome the opportunity to shop in non-tradional ways and during non-traditional times. The key is the manner in which you conduct the conversations. It's possible that many of the people you interact with socially are not aware that you work for a financial institution. If they are aware, they may be uncomfortable starting the conversation for fear of making you "work after hours."

However, once you start the conversation, you will be surprised at how many really want to take advantage of the opportunity to discuss their financial needs. Obviously, not everyone will be interested so the key is to quickly "back off" at the first sign of resistance.

If at first you feel uncomfortable discussing business in a social setting, remember you aren't selling anything you are merely helping others meet their financial needs! It may be as simple as making an appointment to meet with them at another time or you might actually close some business.

If you handle each individual situation properly, you will strengthen existing relationships, create new relationships, enhance the lives of those you interact with socially and enhance your career at the same time!

If you agree (and I hope you do agree,) encourage your co-workers to participate!

Have a great week!


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