Monday, November 16, 2009

Build the Box!


I had some great friends share a quote that they saw while enjoying the sites in Chicago... it goes:

"Don't think outside the the box."

I LOVE the quote.  As a firm, our specialty is helping banks and credit unions Focus their efforts, build Momentum in their market and generate Results for their institution.  Our process has always been described as thinking INSIDE the box, as the information, key brand differences, etc. are all there, you just need our expertise to unlock it and make it all tangible.

The concept of "building the box" is a game changer to me...

Instead of accepting the realities you face (competition, economy, budget, etc.) we HAVE to create a new this case a new which we can oeprate.

Think Starbucks.... did they operate within the confines of the coffee norms...49 cent bottomless cups of coffee, 25 cent refills....NO.  They created their own box.

Think American Express... did they operate within the confines of the credit card cards, retail customers, corporate spending cards...NO. They created their own box.

Now....your challenge this fine Monday is to create your OWN new sense of reality, your own new box. For yourself as a marketer (outside the confines of budgets, media, staffing, etc.) and for your institution.

Find the NEW BOX that allows you the freedom to maximize your strengths, minimize competitive pressures, and increase success.

It's there...we just need to build it!

Have a great day!

Bruce Clapp

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