Sunday, June 15, 2008

Baseball and Bank Marketing....


Today, I went to a minor league baseball game. It was a great game and I was able to spend time with my brother and his family. The unfortunate piece was that I am in Philly travelling and I am not with my family...its Father's Day and I miss the crew!

So...back to my point. Minor league baseball. Some "no names" playing a game, you may think. Actually, it is a brand of entertainment that is amazing and provides a platform for my blog entry. I will make a two-for-one hit today...addressing Robert's question to Jenna and adding a twist!

First, Robert had a great question that I will jump in and add my two cents. He wanted to know why in most "true" sales organizations, a top salesperson can and routinely does, earn more than the CEO. Why is that not the case in banking? Think about your bank...does your BEST salesperson earn more than the CEO? Is there an endless ceiling to the compensation plan? If you said "YES" then your bank is in rarefied air...elite among the banking industry.

This is my connection to baseball...minor league players abound. The best of the best, no matter from what school, geography or background, can make it to the big leagues and earn an amazingly contract an salary. So same should be true in our banks. The goal is profitable growth for the bank...getting hits, right? The more hits we get the better our average and the better the average the more attention (pay) we should receive. When the ocean rises so does the ship! The ocean is EVERYONE participating on the sales and service process and the Ship is the Board and CEO. If we can take this approach then everyone wins...

Your job as a the agent of change and focus your efforts on making the ocean rise!

Jenna...the rest of the answer to Robert is for you!!

Thanks for the great question Robert!



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