Sunday, February 17, 2008

We get IT!


Today, I am in the airport on my way to Norfolk, Virginia to speak at a bank that is conducting an organization-wide training day on the President's Day bank holiday. It should be a great day and I am energized to be the Keynote speaker for the day and adding a break-out session, too.

As I have prepared for the day over the past several weeks, something has continued to jump out at's their tagline and brand position. "We Get It." Interesting, pretty deep, very telling, full of energy, and a broad promise.

The IT part is the most interesting to me. Over the past two years, I have been creating a very focused Life Stage marketing process that, in my estimation, will completely change our industry's approach to our potential customer, our staff training, and how we interact with our current customers. It's actually brilliantly simple and engages everyone....because it is built around real-life....our staff's real life and our customer's real life. And THAT is something that everyone matter how much training they have been through, what job function they have or level of customer interaction. There are 12 distinct Life Stages (and onyl 12!) that everyone goes through...

And that brings me to IT. The IT connection to my Life Stage process is remarkably clear and concise. Life Stage marketing is all about connecting to a customer in whatever life stage they are in...and in whatever timing that stage occurs. For example, some people buy a house at age 23, others at 45 and still others in their 60's. Same stage...completely unique needs and approach. There in lies the IT! IT is universal but completely different for each customer. The IT they have, and the needs IT will bring, will vary. It is ONLY after we ask clarifying questions, demonstrate clear interest, and bring value to the conversation, will the IT rise to the top and position us to act to resolve IT, support IT, or make IT happen.

We Get IT.... simple, yet very deep.

I am excited to bring my IT to the bank...and help their staff see their IT and how to bring the IT out in their customers...

Stay tuned!



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